As a young girl, I was a witness to the conversations of my elders, filled with regrets and 'what-ifs' about the paths not taken in their lives. Those conversations left a deep impression on me, a determination not to let my own dreams slip away. My dream has always been to make a difference, to help others on their life journey.

In those talks of forgotten dreams and unfulfilled ambitions, I saw the influence of a society that often dictates what we should be, rather than embracing who we are. I realized early on that these societal norms stifle the true potential that lies within each of us, akin to a dream trapped like a caged bird.

Our clothing brand is a canvas of aspiration, a reminder that we must serve as the alarm clock for our slumbering dreams, not just another job. Embark with us on this journey as we set out on a fantastic voyage to awaken dreams around the world.